I have recently discovered a pretty easy way to make cash just by using Twitter. In case you don't know what Twitter is; it's a new way to socially network with people from all over the world. Twitter allows you to broadcast what you are doing, thinking, or anything else to a group of people who are following your updates. A lot of celebrities are now joining the Twitter wagon to let their fans know what they are up to. The ways to make money using Twitter are relatively new. I have found a few ways through Twitter to help promote your sites, get referrals, and advertise to your followers.
Twitter can easily be used to promote your site or blog to your followers and it's a great way to get some views. All you have to do is post a link to your site or blog in your update. If you are using it to promote your blog, send an update to your Twitter followers letting them know, something like "New Blog Post; How To Get Rich From Blogging http://yourwebsite.com". You will find that this is a fast and easy way to get some views.
Getting referrals with Twitter is pretty easy also. It's pretty much the same as promoting your website, but instead use your referral link to whatever referral program you are in, such as "Get Rich With Me; http://getrich.com/ref=1234". Most places that pay you for referrals will provide you with a link to send that will credit you when people sign-up after clicking it.
Another way I have found to make money is to use your Twitter account to advertise for other people. There is a new site that will pay you to send an update to your followers with a link to their site. When one of your followers clicks the link; you get paid. This is also a very easy and fast way to earn some cash.
Click Here to sign up for this service.
These are all some good ways to utilize Twitter to help you earn some cash, but you can't abuse this system. You will find that if you are constantly posting links and advertisements, you will start to lose your followers pretty quick. I personally recommend only posting 1-2 updates with links to your site, referrals, or advertisements per day. People don't like seeing tons of posts from the same person trying to get them to go here or there. Not to mention, if you abuse this method you could be banned from Twitter all together. If you try to be respectful, you will find it will get you more views in the long run.